Wanderer Records
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Make love not war!

Wanderer Records

Vinyl records, roentgen-film records, CDs from USSR/Russia, East Europe, Cuba

Graded as cover/record. International shipping is available worldwide except for EU, Australia & NZ. Shipping to Brazil, Chile, Mexico is available again after long break caused by COVID.
Buy with card or Paypal through Wanderer Records at cdandlp.com or pay directly with wire transfer.
Email: wanderer_records (at) yahoo.com

VYSOTSKY VISOTSKY VISSOTSKY - Alice in Wonderland. 2LP very rare uzbek coloured vinyl! (Item w18703)

VG+/EX (cover/record) This rare first uzbek edition is known to exist in different colours sets. This copy has one record green and another one is black. Records are slightly played with occasional scuffs, cleaning is recommended.
Buy now with card or Paypal or email to pay directly with wire transfer

VYSOTSKY VISOTSKY VISSOTSKY - Alice in Wonderland.  2LP very rare uzbek coloured vinyl!